Dropbox encrypted folder
Dropbox encrypted folder

If I left my computer sitting on the roof of my car, it blew off on the 405 and rendered junk by a passing Kenworth, I would still have access to my files through. I have never had my laptop stolen, but that was true for everyone who had their laptop stolen for the first time. My work computer is a laptop that I tote around with me. Are they locked away from prying eyes? Are they backed up? Are they backed up offsite, away from fire and flood danger?įor the most part, I don’t have super-secret data on my computer. Maybe someone has a little working code sample.Your computer files. File sync works with it, but i don't know how to encrypt/decrypt the files on the fly. When using FileSystemWatcher-class for syncing it is easy to apply the encryption/decryption, but you are running into problems with file locks (because of the streams or applications blocking the files). Update: I still couldn't find a answer to this question.

dropbox encrypted folder

Is there someting i can do to avoid this problem handled, so the application can still run beside the sync and encryption process?

dropbox encrypted folder

If a file changes in the "encrypted"-folder, it decrypts the file and writes it to the "decrypted"-folder.īut what happens if the users runs a application (like KeePass for example) directly from the "decryped"-folder? The sync and encryption process will now run into problems because the files are locked from the application. If a file changes in the "decryped"-folder, it encrypts the file and writes it to the "encrypted"-folder. On both folders there is an FileSystemWatcher so the tool gets notified when a file has changed. NET script/tool which does at least mostly the same like SecretSync or BoxCryptor, but without storing the encryption key on a company's web servers.įirst it sounds very simple: You have two folder - a "decryped"-folder and and "encrypted"-folder.

Dropbox encrypted folder